
A collection of blogs and online sermons that explore and expand your understanding of biblical teachings.

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Day 50 of Lockdown – Jesus the bread from heaven

Day 50 of Lockdown – Jesus the bread from heaven

Jesus is the bread from heaven. he is better than the manna from heaven. We need to feed on the bread from heaven, we need to feed on Jesus. Jesus is the bread from heaven.

Day 47 of Lockdown – Jesus is more than enough!

In a world where more is never enough, Jesus is! By multiplying the food Jesus proves to He is more than enough. Is He more than enough for you? Jesus is more than enough!

Day 42 of Lockdown – Have you crossed over?

Day 42 of Lockdown – Have you crossed over?

We can cross over from death to life. Cross over from death to life through the words of Jesus. You can have the cross over life now? Have you crossed over?

Day 41 of Lockdown – How to honour the Father?

Day 41 of Lockdown – How to honour the Father?

God the Father has entrusted judgement to the Son, so that we will honour the Son. If we do not honour the Son we do not honour the Father. The only way to honour the father is to honour the son.

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