A collection of blogs and online sermons that explore and expand your understanding of biblical teachings.
Sunday Service: Real Hope
I want to encourage you this morning. I really, really want to come and give you a message of hope today.
Sunday Service: What happens when we don’t judge?
Hobby Hubby – Dating Tips
It is sometimes very difficult to come up with new ideas for a date with your wife, keeping in mind that one of her love needs are companionship... for those of us that are slow on the uptake. She wants your friendship! I recent study showed the number one factor for...
Day 66 of Lockdown – Will you allow Jesus to be Lord over you? Jesus is Lord
Day 65 of Lockdown – Will you do the work of faith?
Abraham did the work of faith, are you willing to join the pavilion of people doing the work of faith? The work of Faith.
Day 64 of Lockdown – The truth will make you a son in the house.
The truth will set you free from sin. You are no longer a slave to sin but a son in God's house. The truth is a person, Jesus is the truth. The Truth will set you free,
Day 63 of Lockdown – Jesus knows how to present the gospel.
We need to lister carefully to Jesus he is constantly presenting the gospel to us. Jesus knows just how to present the gospel. Presenting the gospel
Day 62 of Lockdown – Jesus values His witness.
Jesus defends His witness in the treasury. If Jesus values His witness, will you defend His witness and your testimony? Jesus values His witness.
Day 55 of Lockdown – Will you stand up?
In the face of adversity it takes bravery to stand up. Will you have the courage to stand up for Jesus. Will you stand up?
Day 54 of Lockdown – Called or Driven?
Jesus calls us, this world wants to drive us. would you say you are called or driven. The good shepherd calls us to green pastures. Called or Driven?
Day 53 of Lockdown – Will you believe that Jesus is the Son of the Living God?
There are many opinions on who Jesus is. Who do you say He is? Who do you say Jesus is?
Day 52 of Lockdown – Physical food vs Spiritual food
Just like our bodies need physical food our spirit also needs spiritual food. The word of God is food for our spirits.